Laser Endodontics

Use of the laser increases the ability
to disinfect and clean inside the root

Laser Endodontics


For root canal treatment, an accurate approach must be used to remove the infected pulp (nerve) and disinfect the inside of the tooth. Hand tools (files) or rotating mechanical tools, along with disinfectant solutions, are used for this purpose. Once the root canal is clean and disinfected, it must then be hermetically filled to stop reinfection of the root canal system. The effectiveness of the treatment can be limited by the anatomical complexity of the tooth itself and by the fact that the disinfectant cannot reach the deepest part of the root (leaving open the possibility that the problem does not get resolved).

High technologies for root canal therapy

Developer of the PIPS technique first and of SWEEPS technique later, Drs.Olivi with their experience and competence, use laser technology and the SWEEPS laser technique, carried out under the dental microscope, making easier to clean and disinfect the root canal, thereby increasing the chances of success.

B and L Biotech Super Endo Alpha A2 Cordless Heat Source

Laser Endodontics


Who it is for

Devitalization and/or root canal treatment is necessary when:

  • a cavity is so deep that it reaches the pulp tissue (nerve), causing inflammation and a heightened sensitivity to hot and cold, to pressure, and/or to chewing, and eventually causing pain to occur spontaneously or at night-time (pulpitis).
  • a tooth that has previously been treated (with a filling or crown ) becomes sensitive to hot or cold or to chewing (pulpitis), or when there are signs that the pulp has degenerated or that the tooth has died, along with infection, swelling (abscess) and pain simply by teeth touching each other.
  • a tooth that has already been devitalized starts to show signs of infection, swelling (abscess) and pain simply by teeth touching each other (acute apical infection).
  • an X-ray examination reports signs of tooth inflammation even if the above symptoms are absent (chronic apical infection).
Main benefits
  • Eliminates pain and infection from the tooth.
  • Gives the tooth back its natural function.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What are the latest technologies in endodontics?
The PIPS™ e’ technique is a revolutionary new method that has been developed in the USA by Dr. DiVito along with his research team at MDATG, in collaboration with Prof. Olivi. PIPS™uses the erbium laser energy to enhance the effectiveness of the disinfectant solution commonly used in endodontics in order to completely decontaminate the tooth. Sophisticated research carried out using the electron microscope along with bacteriological studies have in fact demonstrated a bactericidal effect of up to 99.99% with complete removal of the smear layer and bacterial biofilm up to 1mm deep in the dentinal tubules.

What does this mean?
A more effective, comfortable and rapid treatment with a better chance of a complete recovery!

Our Books


Autori: Giovanni Olivi-Roland De Moor- Enrico DiVito


Autori: Giovanni Olivi-Roland De Moor- Enrico DiVito

Laser Endodontics

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Dr. Olivi G. e Dr. Genovese M.D.


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