Rediscover the beauty of your smile through the safety and effectiveness of the laser
Our main objective at InLaser is to give you a natural, attractive and healthy smile in order to restore the form and function of the teeth and gums. State-of-the-art techniques, digital and computerized diagnoses and expert use of the dental laser and microscope together guarantee a dental treatment that is safe and targeted to your needs.
Careful study and close attention to detail are what make the difference for achieving excellent results and a satisfied patient. The expertise of Dr. Olivi in Aesthetic Denstistry, coupled with his experience in Aesthetic Medicine, ensures that your smile receives only the utmost care and attention.
Aesthetic dentistry
Who it’s for
For those who want a brighter, more freshness smile and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, in the event of:
- Discoloured teeth
- Unsightly fillings, cavities, or fractures
- Thinning or fatigued tooth enamel caused by aging
- Crooked or crowded teeth
- Missing teeth or old dentures
- Uneven gingival contours and/or gummy smiles
How it works
InLaser offers safe and targeted treatments:
- Professional tooth whitening using the laser
- Invisible reconstructions of fractured or decaying teeth
- Addition of sophisticated porcelain veneers to improve the colours and shape of the front teeth and/or reconstruct tooth enamel that has changed over time
- Invisible orthodontics to correct misaligned teeth
- Insertion of implants or porcelain teeth to replace old dentures or missing teeth, without leaving unsightly dark borders
- Laser treatment to reshape the symmetry of the gingival contours
Main benefits
- Natural, bright smile
- Safe, non-invasive treatments
- Restoration and maintenance of healthy gums
- More confidence in your smile
Aesthetic dentistry
Latest News
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La Laser Terapia è ormai una “scienza concreta” che ha mosso i suoi primi passi alla fine degli anni ’90, prendendo piede nei primi anni del 2000 grazie a un manipolo di cultori della materia, cui mi onoro di appartenere, i quali hanno scientificamente trasferito, con...
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Basi e vertici del Laser in endodonzia in un nuovo volume di Giovanni Olivi
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Due giovani laureati e il laser
L’esperienza di Matteo Olivi Laureato in odontoiatria nel luglio 2013 all’università Victor Babes di Timisoara, in Romania, Matteo Olivi ha iniziato il suo percorso di odontoiatra, «attivamente coinvolto – dice – nella ricerca per imparare a utilizzare le tecnologie...
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Contact us
Info and Reservations
Dental Practice
Dr. Olivi G. e Dr. Genovese M.D.
ROMA - Piazza Francesco Cucchi, 3
Phone numbers