Giovanni Olivi

About me
Passion for this profession
Nashville (USA), 2007

Giovanni Olivi is Professor a.c. of Laser Dentistry at the School of Dentistry Catholic University of Sacred Heart of Rome, and scientific cordinator of the Master “Laser Dentistry” at the same University.
He graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, he specialized with honors in Dentistry at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and in Aesthetic Medicine at the International Fatebenefratelli Foundation in Rome. In addition, he earned in Las Vegas the Master status in Laser Dentistry from the Academy of Laser Dentistry.
Paying attention to small details Dr Olivi uses innovative technologies such as Lasers and Microscopes, leading to a new standard of quality care in Endodontics, Restorative, and Aesthetics and does so in a less invasive way. Dr. Olivi has spoken at more than 250 international congresses, acts as scientific referee for various specialized journals, and has authored numerous publications.
In 2007, in Nashville (USA), he was bestowed from ALD with the Leon Goldman Award for clinical excellence.
He is author of the books “I Laser in Traumatologia Dentale” (2010), “Pediatric Laser Dentistry: a user’s guide” (2011), “Laser in Restorative Dentistry: a practical guide” (2015) , “Laser in Endodontics: Scientific background and clinical applications” (2016), “Laser in Endodonzia: ricerca ed applicazioni cliniche” (italian edition 2016).
congresses and seminars
all over the world
Dr. Olivi and Dr. Genovese have taught aesthetics, laser and microscopic dentistry to dentists all over the world, with conferences in over 30 countries:

Discover all the country
Tucson, AZ Stati Uniti d’America
Nashville, TN Stati Uniti d’America
San Diego, CA Stati Uniti d’America
Las Vegas, NE Stati Uniti d’America
Miami, FL Stati Uniti d’America
San Diego, CA Stati Uniti d’America
Loma Linda, CA Stati Uniti d’America
Scottsdale, AZ Stati Uniti d’America
Orlando,FL Stati Uniti d’America
Dallas,TX Stati Uniti d’America
Vienna, Austria
Berlino, Germania
Monaco, Germania
Brema, Germania
Nizza, Francia
Bordeaux, Francia
Montecarlo, Monaco
Barcellona, Spagna
Valencia, Spagna
Madrid, Spagna
Istanbul, Turchia
Antalia, Turchia
Atene, Grecia
Rodi, Grecia
Dubrovnik, Croazia
Hvar, Croazia
Zagabria, Croazia
Malmo, Svezia
Stoccolma, Svezia
Alpen aan den Rijn, Olanda
Londra, Regno Unito
Stratford upon Avon, Regno Unito
Sofia, Bulgaria
Varna, Bulgaria
Timisoara, Romania
Sibiu, Romania
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Doha, Qatar
Abu Dabi, Emirati Arabi
Riad, Arabia Saudita
Beirut, Libano
La Valletta, Malta
Porto, Portogallo
Perth, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
Teheran, Iran
Calcutta, India
Dubai, Emirati Arabi
Pechino, Cina
Shanghai, Cina
Shenzhen, Cina
Bruxelles, Belgio
Gant, Belgio
Cracovia, Polonia
Helsinki, Finlandia
Zurigo, Svizzera
Aukland, Nuova Zelanda
Seul, Corea del Sud
Nagoya, Giappone
Oslo, Norvegia
Tel Aviv, Israele
New Orleans, LA Stati Uniti d’America Tucson, AZ Stati Uniti d’America Nashville, TN Stati Uniti d’America San Diego, CA Stati Uniti d’America Las Vegas, NE Stati Uniti d’America Miami, FL Stati Uniti d’America San Diego, CA Stati Uniti d’America Loma Linda, CA Stati Uniti d’America Scottsdale, AZ Stati Uniti d’America Orlando,FL Stati Uniti d’America Dallas,TX Stati Uniti d’America Vienna, Austria Berlino, Germania Monaco, Germania Brema, Germania Calcutta, India |
Nizza, Francia Bordeaux, Francia Montecarlo, Monaco Barcellona, Spagna Madrid, Spagna Valencia, Spagna Istanbul, Turchia Antalia, Turchia Atene, Grecia Rodi, Grecia Dubrovnik, Croazia Hvar, Croazia Zagabria, Croazia Malmo, Svezia Stoccolma, Svezia Alpen aan den Rijn, Olanda Londra, Regno Unito |
Stratford upon Avon, UK Sofia, Bulgaria Varna, Bulgaria Timisoara, Romania Sibiu, Romania Kuwait City, Kuwait Abu Dabi, Emirati Arabi Dubai, Emirati Arabi Riad, Arabia Saudita Beirut, Libano La Valletta, Malta Porto, Portogallo Perth, Australia Sydney, Australia Melbourne, Australia Teheran, Iran |
Doha, Qatar Pechino, Cina Shanghai, Cina Shenzhen, Cina Bruxelles, Belgio Gant, Belgio Cracovia, Polonia Helsinki, Finlandia Zurigo, Svizzera Aukland, Nuova Zelanda Seul, Corea del Sud Nagoya, Giappone Oslo, Norvegia Tel Aviv, Israele |
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Summa Cum Laude (MD)
University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy 1986
Postgraduate Degree in Dentistry, Summa Cum Laude (DDS)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy 1989
Postgraduate Diploma in “Laser Use in Dentistry”
University of Florence, Italy (2002)
Postgraduate Diploma in “Laser Use in Dentistry”
Attained at the International Society for Laser in Dentistry (I.S.L.D), Bergamo, Italy (2004)
Advanced Proficiency Certification
Bestowed by the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD), Tucson, AZ, USA 2006
Mastership Certification
Awarded by the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD), Las Vegas, NE, USA 2009
Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine
Bestowed by the International Fatebenefratelli Foundation in Rome, Italy, 2009
Active Member of the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD)
Active Member of the Italian Academy of Microscope Dentistry (AIOM)
High Technology (IAHT)
Member of the Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE)
Member of the Italian Society of Pediatric Dentistry (SIOI)
Chair of Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) Italy Study Club
Active Member of Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE)
Active Member of Italian Society of Laser Dentistry (SILO)
Member of Italian Society of Paediatric Dentistry (SIOI)
Adjunt Professor in Laser Dentistry at School of Dentistry degree
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma
Professor and Scientific Coordinator at Master “Laser Dentistry”
Professor and Scientific Coordinator at Postgraduated Course in “Laser Dentistry”
Lecturer at the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA)
Lecturer at the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA)
Adjunct Professor in Endodontics, Conservative Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry at the Laser Dentistry Master Course
Adjunct Professor in the Postgraduated Diploma “Use of Lasers in the Craniofacial area”
Lecturer at the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA)
Lecturer in the Postgraduate Diploma “Use of the laser in the treatment of hard and soft tissue in oral tissues”
Lecturer in the Postgraduate Diploma in Laser Therapy
Lecturer at the Postgraduate Diploma “Laser Use in Dentistry”
Read the complete list
66. Olivi G, Olivi M, Genovese MD.
I frenuli labiali: diagnosi e tecniche chirurgiche nel bambino, nell’adolescente e nell’adulto.
Il Dentista Moderno. 2018 Luglio.
65. Olivi M, Genovese MD, Olivi G.
Laser labial frenectomy: a simplified and predictable technique. Retrospective clinical study.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2018 Mar;19(1):56-60.
64. Olivi G, Caprioglio C, Olivi M, Genovese MD.
Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 4: Soft tissue laser applications.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2017 Dec;18(4):332-334.
63. Caprioglio C, Olivi G, Genovese MD, Vitale MC.
Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 3: Dental trauma.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2017 Sep;18(3):247-250.
62. Golob BS, Olivi G, Vrabec M, El Feghali R, Parker S, Benedicenti S.
Efficacy of Photon-induced Photoacoustic Streaming in the Reduction of Enterococcus faecalis within the Root Canal: Different Settings and Different Sodium Hypochlorite Concentrations.
J Endod. 2017 Oct;43(10):1730-1735.
61. Olivi G, Caprioglio C, Olivi M, Genovese MD.
Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 2: Hard tissue laser applications.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2017 Jun;18(2):163-166.
60. Caprioglio C, Olivi G, Genovese MD.
Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 1: General introduction.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2017 Mar;18(1):80-82.
59. Olivi G., Magliano P., Olivi M.
PIPS: un approccio biomimetico all’anatomia endodontica.
Dental Tribune Italian Edition – Febbraio 2017; 11-13.
58. Olivi G.,Olivi M,Genovese M.D.
Les Lasers Erbium en odontologie pédiatrique
DT StudyClub Dental Tribune 2014; 40-43
57. Olivi G.,Olivi M.,Genovese M.D.
Erbium Laser in Paediatric Dentistry
Laser-International Magazine of Laser Dentistry 2014 vol.6; 30-33.
56. Olivi G., DiVito E., Peters O., Angiero F., Signore A., Benedicenti S.
Disinfection efficacy of photon induced photoacoustic streaming (PIPS) on root canal infected with Enterococcus faecalis: an ex vivo study.
J Am Dent Assoc; accepted april 2014.
55. Olivi G.et Al
Le Laser en Endodotic
DT StudyClub Dental Tribune 2013; 48-51
54. Olivi G.
Laser Use in Endodontics: Evolution from Direct Laser Irradiation to Laser-Activated Irrigation
Journal of Laser Dentistry Vol.21 No.2; 2013; 58-68.
53. Cossellu G, Seramondi R, Benedicenti S, Farronato G, Olivi G, Angiero F.
Tooth developmental anomalies in severe combined immunodeficiency disease and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia: common clinical features and treatment outcomes.
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2013 Dec;14(4):328-32.
52. Olivi G and Olivi M.
Laser in Periodontal therapy: the TwinLight approach.
Laser 2013(3);30-32.
51. Olivi G., Olivi M., Kaitsas V., Benedicenti S.
Utilizzo del laser a diodi 810nm in endodonzia: indagine morfologica al SEM.
Dentista Moderno. Ottobre 2013; 122-128.
50. Olivi.G.
Taking endo-perio treatments to a whole new level
LAHA Magazine 2013, 1; 48.
49. Olivi G.
Laser Induced Photoacoustic: a root cause revolution
LAHA Magazine 2013, 1; 40-41.
48. Olivi G., Olivi M., Sorrenti E., Genovese M.D.
Laser a Diodi 810nm: applicazioni cliniche in odontoiatria
Laser Tribune Settembre 2012- anno VIII N.9 pag 16-18.
47. Olivi G., Signore A., Olivi M., Genovese M.D.
Lingual Frenectomy: functional evaluation and new therapeutical approach
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry vol. 13/2-2012
46. Olivi G., Di Vito E.
Photoacoustic Endodontic using PIPS:experimental background and clinical protocol
LAHA – Journal of the Laser and Health AcademyVolume: 2012 | Number: 1 | ISSN (print): 1855-9913 | ISSN (web): 1855-9921
45. Kotlow L., DiVito E., Olivi G.
From everyday dentistry to advanced photoacoustic endodontic applications (PIPS): Er:YAG & Nd:YAG dual wavelength laser
Laser; 2011 (3):13-17.
44. Olivi G., Manconi F.M., Crippa R., Iaria G., Kaitsas V., Benedicenti S.. DiVito E.
Utilizzo dei laser in Endodonzia/Laser use in Endodontics
Dentista Moderno 2011 Settembre; 164-182.
43. Olivi G., Genovese M.D., Iaria G., Benedicenti S., Angiero F., Crippa R.
I laser in Odontoiatria Infantile
Dentista Moderno 2011 Luglio; 82-97
42. Boldi M., Repetti R., Pasquale C., Olivi G., Crippa R., Iaria G., Benedicenti S.
Sbiancamenti dentali laser assistiti con laser a diodi (810-980nm)
Dentista Moderno 2011 Giugno; 64-86
41. DiVito E., Colonna M., Olivi G.
The Photoacoustic Efficacy of an Er:YAG Laser with Radial and Stripped Tips on Root Canal Dentin Walls: An SEM Evaluation
J Laser Dent 2011;19(1):156-16140
40. Olivi G., Crippa R., DiVito E., Iaria G. Kaitsas V.Benedicenti S.
Laser in endodontics (Part II)
Roots 2-2011
39. Olivi G, Genovese MD.
Laser restorative dentistry in children and adolescents
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2011 Apr;12(2):68-78
38. Caprioglio C, Olivi G, Genovese MD.
Lasers in dental traumatology and low level laser therapy (LLLT).
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2011 Apr;12(2):79-84
37. Iaria G., Olivi G. Angiero F., Crippa R., Benedicenti S.
L’uso dei laser Erbium: YAG ed ErbiumCromium: YSGG in odontoiatria restaurativa. Dentista Moderno, 2011 Aprile; 92-102
36. Olivi G., Crippa R., DiVito E., Iaria G. Kaitsas V.Benedicenti S.
Laser in endodontics (Part I)
Roots 1-2011
35. Olivi G., Crippa R., DiVito E.,Iaria G. Kaitsas V. Benedicenti S.
Photo-acoustic endodontics using PIPS
Laser 1-2011
34. Caprioglio C., Olivi G., Genovese M.D.
Paediatric laser-assisted dentistry: A clinical approach
Laser 1-2011
33. Iaria G., Crippa R., Olivi G., Iaria M., Benedicenti S.
Use of the Er,Cr:YSGG and Er:YAG lasers in restorative dentistry
Laser 4-2010; 24-27
32. DiVito E., Peter O., Olivi G.
Effectiveness of the Erbium:YAG laser and new design radial and stripped tips in removing the smear layer after root canal instrumentation
Lasers Med Sci. 2010 Dec 1
31. Olivi G., Crippa R., DiVito E., Iaria G., Kaitsas V.
Laser in Endodontics: a review and outlook
Endo Tribune Italian Edition. Anno IV n.2; novembre 2010: 13-18
30. Genovese M.D., Caprioglio C., Olivi G.
Estetica del viso nel paziente in crescita: valutazioni estetiche e possibilita’ preventivo-terapeutiche
Cosmetic Dentistry. Vol.4 dicembre 2010; 38-43
29. Olivi G., Bartoletti E., Genovese M.D.
Riflessioni tra Odontoiatria e Medicina Estetica
Cosmetic Dentistry. Vol.3 ottobre 2010; 34-40
28. Olivi G., Genovese M.D, Parker S., Benedicenti S.
Terapia della polpa vitale: vantaggi dell’utilizzo della tecnologia laser
Dentista Moderno. Giugno 2010: 76-86
27. Caprioglio C., Olivi G., Genovese M.D.
I Laser in traumatologia dentale
Dentista Moderno. Maggio 2010:138-170
26. Olivi G., Caprioglio C., Genovese MD.
Lasers in dental traumatology
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2010 Jun;11(2):71-6
25. Olivi G., Chaumanet G., Genovese M.D., Benedice C., Andreana S.
ErCrYSGG laser labial frenectomy a clinical retrospective evaluation of 156 consecutive cases
Gen Dent. 2010 May-Jun;58(3):e126-33
24. Genovese M.D., Olivi G.
Use of laser technology in orthodontics: hard and soft tissue laser treatments
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2010 Mar;11(1):44-8
23. Olivi. G., Angiero F., Benedicenti S., Iaria G., Signore A., Kaitsas V.
Use of the erbium,chromium:yttrium,scandium,gallium,garnet laser on human enamel tissues. Influence of the air/water spray on the laser tissue interaction: scanning electron microscope evaluations
Lasers Med Sci. 2009 Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print]
22. Campailla M., Ferretti M., Botti R., Repetti R., Olivi G.
Sbiancamento dentale laser-assistito
Cosmetic Dentistry 2-2009: 18-22
21. Olivi G., Genovese MD.
Laser and Microscope: a perfect match
Journal of Academy of Laser Dentistry 2009 Vol.17 No.1 pg 6-12
20. Olivi G., Genovese MD., Caprioglio C
Evidence-Based Dentistry on Laser Pediatric Dentistry: review and
Eur Journal of Paediatr Dent. 2009 vol.10 2009 Mar;10(1):29-40
19. Pecoraino P., Bianchi G., Pedroni F., Olivi G.
Valutazioni microbiologiche dopo trattamento paradontale assistito con laser Erbio Cromo YSGG e laser a Diodi 810nm.
Doctor Laser anno II (3) sett-dic 2008; 93-101.
18. G.Olivi, G.Iaria, M.D.Genovese.
Laser in Odontoiatria Estetica: basi scientifiche dell’utilizzo in Conservativa
Cosmetic Dentistry vol,2,Mag;2008;22-28
17. J. J. Beltrano, L. Torrisi, E. Campagna, E. Rapisarda, I. Finocchiaro, G. Olivi
Er,Cr:YSGG Pulsed laser applied to medical dentistry
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, Vol. 163, Issue 4 – 6 April 2008; 331 – 338
16. M.D.Genovese, G.Olivi
Laser in paediatric dentistry: patient acceptance of hard and soft
tissue therapy
Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2008 Mar;9(1):13-7.
15. G. Olivi, M.D. Genovese
Effect of Er:YAG Laser Parameters on Enamel: SEM Observations
Journal of Oral Laser Application Vol 7, No 1,2007; 27-35
14. G. Olivi
Hard and Soft Tissue Er,Cr:YSGG Laser Application: Multiple Closed Flap Crown Lengthening in Esthetic Anterior Area
Journal of Academy of Laser Dentistry 21-25
13. G. Olivi, M. Costacurta, P. Maturo, R. Docimo
Removal of fibrous epulis with Er,Cr:YSGG laser: case report
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2007 Sep; 8(3):149-52
12. G. Olivi, M.D. Genovese, P. Maturo, R. Docimo
Pulp capping: advantages of using laser technology
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2007 Jun;8(2):89-95.
11. G. Olivi
Gingival Recession in a Lower Incisor: Frenectomy and Mucogingival Regeneration Using an Er,Cr:YSGG Laser
Journal of Academy of Laser Dentistry 2007 Vol.15 No.2 83-87.
10. G. Olivi, M. Costacurta, C. Perugia, R. Docimo
Il laser Erbium Cromium in terapia conservativa
Dental Cadmos 2007; 7: 91-8.
9. G. Olivi, M. Bartolino, M. Costacurta, R. Docimo
Applicazioni del laser Er,Cr:YSGG in Odontoiatria Infantile
Dentista Moderno 2-2007; 62-74.
8. G. Olivi
Multiple Caries Removal:An Er,Cr,:YSGG Laser Procedure
Journal of Academy of Laser Dentistry 2006 Vol.14 No.3 23-27.
7. G. Olivi, C. Perugia, P. Maturo, M. Bartolino, R. Docimo
Utilizzo del laser Er,Cr in interventi di frenulectomia
Dental Cadmos 2006; 9: 39-50.
6. G. Olivi, M.D. Genovese
Laser: una diversa scelta terapeutica
Agorà Odontoiatrica anno 6 n°3 settembre 2006; 26-31
5. G. Olivi, M.D. Genovese
Erbium Chromium Laser in Pulp Capping Treatment
Journal of Oral Laser Application Vol 6 No 4:2006; 291-299.
4. G. Olivi, G. Iaria, S. Benedicenti, V. Kairsas
Laser Er:YAG e Er,Cr:YSGG in Odontoiatria
Dentista Moderno n°5 2005; 75(1): 599-605
3. G. Olivi, M.D. Genovese
Utilizzo del Laser in Conservativa
Agorà Odontoiatrica anno 4 n°3 – settembre 2004; 28-37
2. L.Caduceo, P.Cozza, S.Cappetta, G.Olivi
La Remineralizzazione dello Smalto.Osservazioni
al microscopio elettronico a scansione mediante repliche in vivo
Annali di Stomatologia Vol XXXVI-n.1.Gennaio.
1. A. Febbo, G. Olivi
It is not the tooth it seems to be
Attualità Dentale 1986 Sep 28; 2(30):36-38.
Read the complete list
SWEEPS: the evolution of bubbles
ESE – European Society of Endodontology
Wienn, Austria 12 September 2019
From PIPS to SWEEPS: an update in endodontic irrigation
WFLD – European division Congress
Parma, Italy 22 June 2019
Lingual Frenum: laser surgical techniques in children and youth
Master Laser Dentistry – Catholic University of Rome
Rome, Italy 7 June 2019
Lingual Frenum Release Guidelines for diagnosis and surgery in children and youth
International Conference Baird
Dubai, Emirati Arabi 4-7 ottobre 2018
Short Lingual Frenum and Posture Modifications in children, youth and Adult
AAMS Academy of Applied Myofuntional Science
Roma, Italia 5-10 settembre 2018
Breaking news in sleep medicine, snoring, orthodontic. Intervention and myofuntional therapy
Academy of Applied Myofuntional Science Academy Symposium
Bordeaux, Francia 15-16 gennaio 2016
Pediatric Laser Dentistry:an help in everyday practice
Polskiego Towarrystwa Stomatilogii Laserowej
Krakow, Polonia 4-5 dicembre 2015
Relationship between Ankyloglossia, Anatomical and Functional Alterations and Body Posture
AAMS Academy of Applied Myofuntional Science
Los Angeles,CA 9-13 settembre 2015
Labial and Lingual frenectomy in children and youth
International Congress Laser Paediatric Dentistry
Genova, 10 novembre 2012
Introductory Laser Course
SIOI and IAHT – International Congress Laser Paediatric Dentistry
Genova, 9 novembre 2012
Il Laser in Endodonzia
Congresso AIOLA
Bergamo (Italia), 26-27 ottobre 2012
Laser in Dentistry
Stockholm (Sweden), 19 october 2012
Laser Applications in Endodontics
Thessaloniki (Greece), 13 october 2012
Dental Laser and Microscope: the Perfect Match
Congress of European Society of Microscope Dentistry
Berlino (Germania), 5 ottobre 2012
Photoacoustic Endodontics: the PIPS Technique
Congress of European Society of Microscope Dentistry
Berlino (Germania), 4 ottobre 2012
New developments in Erbium laser assisted Endodontics
International Congress in Laser Dentistry“la Luce, la Scienza, il Sole!”
Rapallo, 15 settembre 2012
Laser interaction with enamel, dentine, cementum, dental caries
Fellowship Course University of Genoa
Rapallo, 11-13 settembre 2012
Minimally Invasive Laser Dentistry
Hvar Kongres
Hvar (Croazia), 8 giugno 2012
Il laser a Diodi in Conservativa ed Endodonzia
SIDOC Societa’ Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa
Roma, 1 giugno 2012
Il laser nella conservativa pedodontica
Congresso SIOI –SIDOC
Roma,1 giugno 2012
Photoacoustic Endodontics: una nuova tecnica di irrigazione canalare
SER Societa’ Romana di Endodonzia
Roma 26 maggio 2012
Laser a diodi: basi scientifiche, utilizzo clinico, benefici per pazienti ed operatori
Amici di Brugg
Rimini, 25 maggio 2012
New developments in Minimally Invasive Endodontics using PIPS
IFW International Fotona Weekend
Portrose (Slovenia), 18 maggio 2012
Utilizzo del laser a diodi in Igiene Dentale
Corso di aggiornamento teorico pratico per Igienisti Dentali
Patologia Orale e Nuove Tecnologie
Genova, 12 maggio 2012
Laser use in Endodontics
Universita’ di Genova – Master Laser Dentistry
Genova, 12 maggio 2012
Principi di utilizzo della luce laser in Endodonzia
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento in Endodonzia
Genova, 11 maggio 2012
New developments in Minimally Invasive Endodontics using PIPS
13 World Congress of World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD)
Barcelona (Spagna), 27 aprile 2012
PIPS Course
Roma, 13-14 aprile 2012
Hard Tissue and Pulp Procedures
19 Congress Academy of Laser Dentistry
Scottsdale (Arizona-USA), 30 marzo 2012
Lasers in Dental Traumatology Offer New Treatment Possibilities
19 Congress Academy of Laser Dentistry
Scottsdale (Arizona -USA), 30 marzo 2012
Soft Tissue Applications of Lasers in Pediatric and Orthodontic Applications
19 Congress Academy of Laser Dentistry
Scottsdale (Arizona -USA), 30 marzo 2012
New developments in Minimally Invasive Endodontics using PIPS
19 Congress Academy of Laser Dentistry
Scottsdale (Arizona -USA), 29 marzo 2012
Laser use in Orthodontics
Universita’ di Genova – Master Laser Dentistry
Genova, 8 marzo 2012
PIPS Course
Roma, 27,28 gennaio 2012
I laser in Conservativa
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento in Conservativa
Genova, 16-17 dicembre 2011
Laser in Odontoiatria Pediatrica
Universita’ di Parma – European Master Degree on Oral Laser Application
Parma, 26 novembre 2011
I Laser in Odontoiatria Pediatrica: un approccio mini-invasivo
SIOI Fall Meeting
Milano 19 novembre 2011
Nuove Tecniche di Irrigazione in Endodonzia
VIII Congresso IAHT Premio Giorgio Duillo
Genova, 4-5 novembre 2011
Minimally Invasive Laser Dentistry
Laser u Dentalnoj Medicini
Zagabria (Croazia), 29 ottobre 2011
Laser in every day dental practice
Dental Istanbul 11
Istanbul (Turchia), 22-23 ottobre 2011
Photoacoustic Endodontics using PIPS: Introductory Course
Malmo (Svezia), 14 ottobre 2011
Minimally Invasive Laser Pediatric Dentistry
Congresso Societa’ Olandese Odontoiatria Infantile
Archeon – Alpen aan de Rijn (Olanda), 8 ottobre 2011
Laser Paediatric Dentistry
International Conference on Lasers in Medicine 4th edition
Sibiu (Romania) 22-24 settembre 2011
Photoacoustic Endodontics
International Conference on Lasers in Medicine 4th edition
Sibiu (Romania), 22-24 settembre 2011
Laser in Odontoiatria Pediatrica
Universita’ di Genova – Laser Dentistry Master Course
Genova, 16-17 september 2011
Effectiveness of the Erbium:YAG laser activation in removing the smear layer after root canal instrumentation, using PIPS technique.
European Society of Endodontology – ESE Rome 2011
Roma, 16 settembre 2011
Pediatric Laser Dentistry
WFLD III European Congress
Roma, 9-11 giugno 2011
Laser Dentistry
Workshop WFLD
Roma, 9 giugno 2011
Photoacoustic Endodontics using PIPS: corso introduttivo
Parma, 4 giugno 2011
Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Universita’ di Siena – Corso di perfezionamento Laser in Odontoiatria
Siena, 13-14 maggio 2011
Laser in Endodonzia
Laser Dentistry Master Course Universita’ di Genova
Genova 5-7 maggio 2011
Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Universita’ di Genova – Laser Dentistry Master Course
Genova, 14-16 aprile 2011
Lasers in Endodontics
Academy of Laser Dentistry 18th Annual Conference
San Diego (California, USA), 3-5 marzo 2011
Lasers Assisted Sealants in Pediatric Dentistry
Academy of Laser Dentistry 18th Annual Conference
San Diego (California, USA), 3-5 marzo 2011
Lasers Minimally Invasive Laser Asssisted Sealants and Restorative Dentistry
Academy of Laser Dentistry 18th Annual Conference
San Diego (California, USA), 3-5 marzo 2011
Waterlase MD in Dentistry
Riyadh (Arabia Saudita), 24 gennaio 2011
Laser in Dentistry
22nd Saudi Dental Society International Dental Conference
Riyadh (Arabia Saudita), 24-26 gennaio 2011
Il canale Anatomia e nuove possibilita’ terapeutiche
Dental Time 2011
Brescia, 20-22 gennaio 2011
Photoacoustic Endodontics
Convegno AIOLA
Bologna, 27 novembre 2010
I laser in Odontoiatria
ANDI – Ordine dei Medici di Trapani
Trapani, 20 novembre 2010
Photoacoustic Endodontics using PIPS technique
SIE 31 Congresso nazionale
Verona, 11-13 novembre 2010
Photoacoustic Endodontics using PIPS
VII Congresso IAHT Premio Giorgio Duillo
Genova, 5-6 novembre 2010
Laser in Endodontics
Istanbul Dental Institute- ALD 2nd European Meeting
Istanbul (Turchia), 20-23 october 2010
Riflessioni tra Odontoiatria e Medicina Estetica
1 Congresso Nasionale SIRNA
Caserta, 9-10 ottobre 2010
Waterlase MD in every day practice
Workshop Internazionale
Roma, 1-2 ottobre 2010
Laser in Endodonzia
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”
Genova, 18 giugno 2010
Waterlase MD nella pratica quotidiana
Milano, 11 giugno 2010
Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Universita’ di Siena – Corso di perfezionamento Laser in Odontoiatria
Siena, 15 maggio 2010
Laser Labial Frenectomy: an Every Day Common Technique
ALD 17th Annual Conference
Miami (Florida, USA), 14-17 aprile 2010
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry: an overview
ALD 17th Annual Conference
Miami (Florida, USA), 14-17 aprile 2010
Erbium Laser in Odontoiatria Infantile
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”
Genova, 5-6 marzo 2010
Fisica dei laser, applicazioni in pedodonzia: prevenzione, terapia conservativa, incappucciamento pulpare.
Congresso Nazionale SIOI – Insights into Paediatric Dentistry
Cittadella (Pd), 5-6 febbraio 2010
Laser in Dentistry
Kuwait City (Kuwait), 9 novembre 2009
Frenulo linguale: perche’, quando, come rimuoverlo
VI Congresso IAHT Premio Giorgio Duillo
Genova, 6-7 novembre 2009
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry
International Conference on Lasers in Medicine 3rd edition
Timisoara (Romania), 24-26 settembre 2009
Utilizzo Clinico di strumenti ad alta tecnologia: dalla diagnosi all’approccio microinvasivo dall’incappucciamento pulpare all’endodonzia chirurgica.
Roma, 21 settembre 2009
Laser negli Incappucciamenti pulpari
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”. Genova, 12-13 giugno 2009
Use of Laser for Pulp Capping procedures.
1st European ALD Meeting
Brescia, 5-6 giugno 2009
Utilizzo dei laser Erbium:YAG ed Erbium,Cromo:YSGG in Conservativa
Universita’ di Firenze – Corso di Perfezionamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel trattamento dei tessuti duri e molli”
Firenze, maggio 2009
Lasers in Dentistry: My Typical Workday.
ALD 16th Congress
Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), 23 – 25 aprile 2009
I Laser in Odontoiatria
Università degli Studi di Catania – AIO
Catania, 28 marzo 2009
Laser in Odontoiatria Infantile
Universita’ di Parma – European Master Degree on Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA)
Parma, 21 marzo 2009
I Filler: tecniche di impianto negli inestetismi del viso
Corso teorico pratico – livello introduttivo
Roma, 14 marzo 2009
Erbium Laser in Odontoiatria Infantile
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”
Genova, 6-7 marzo 2009
Erbium Laser in Conservativa: ricostruzioni dirette in composito
13 Congresso nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa (SIDOC)
Roma, 19-21 febbraio 2009
Utilizzo del laser nel mantenimento della vitalita’ pulpare
29° Congresso Italiano di Endodonzia (SIE)
Torino, 14,15 novembre 2008
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry
Seminario: Loma Linda University
Loma Linda (California, USA), 10 novembre 2008
Laser in Restorative Dentistry: clinical and research studies
Laser Symposium Loma Linda University
Loma Linda (California, USA), 9 novembre 2008
Laser in Odontoiatria:basi scientifiche ed evidenze cliniche
6° Italian Congress AIOLA
Napoli, 24,25 ottobre 2008
Utilizzo del laser in Odontoiatria Infantile
Sweden&Martina Day
Padova,18 ottobre 2008
Erbium laser in Odontoiatria:hard and soft tissues therapy
Creation Day
Verona, 18 ottobre 2008
Laser in Dentistry clinical and research studies
VII National Congress CAO
Taormina (Ct), 26,27 settembre 2008
Laser negli Incappucciamenti pulpari
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”
Genova, 6-7 giugno 2008
Laser in Restorative Dentistry. How to save a tooth:from minimally invasive therapy to endo microsurgery: a practical discussion.
ALD 15th Congress
San Diego (California, USA), 9-12 aprile 2008
Use of lasers in hard tissue therapy and endodontics in children
European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry
Dubrovnik(Croatia), 29 maggio, 1 giugno 2008
Erbium Laser, Erbium,Cr in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Firenze – Corso di Perfezionamento “L’uso del Laser nel trattamento dei tessuti duri e molli orali e periorali”
Firenze, 3-5 aprile 2008
Erbium Laser in Odontoiatria Infantile
Universita’ di Genova – Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”.
Genova, 7-8 marzo 2008
The Star Wars of Paediatric Dentistry
WCLI Supersymposium
San Diego (California,USA), 24,27 gennaio 2008
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry: Hard and Soft Tissue Therapy
VIII SELO Congress
Valencia (Spagna), 23-24 novembre 2007
Working with laser and children.
WCLI European Symposium
London (United Kingdom), 10-11 novembre 2007
Incappucciamento Pulpare laser assistito
Corso di aggiornamento “Utilizzo del Laser nel distretto cranio facciale”. Universita’ di Genova
Genova, 9-10 novembre 2007
Laser e Microscopio: alte tecnologie in odontoiatria
XV Congresso Internazionale CRON-OM
Roma, 8-9 novembre 2007
Laser in pediatric dentistry
1st Laser in Dentistry Turkish Society Congress
Antalya (Turchia), 15-19 ottobre 2007
How to save a tooth: from minimally invasive therapy to endo microsurgery
3rd Bulgarian Symposium Laser in Dentistry
Varna (Bulgaria), 5-7 ottobre 2007
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry: Hard and soft tissue therapy
SOLA Congress UK
Stratford (United Kingdom), 20-22 settembre 2007
Laser and Microscope: a wonderfull cocktail
1st International Congress Greek Academy of Microscopic Dentistry
Atene (Grecia), 8-9 giugno 2007
Laser in Frenectomy: Classification and operative technique
4th SOLA Congress
Bruges (Belgio), 16-19 maggio 2007
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry: Restorative and Endodontics therapy
4th SOLA Congress
Bruges (Belgio), 16-19 maggio 2007
Laser in Frenectomy: Classification and Operative technique
1st European Congress WFLD
Nizza, (Francia), 27-28 aprile 2007
Laser in Pediatric Dentistry: Restorative and Endodontic Therapy
1st European Congress WFLD
Nizza, (Francia), 27-28 aprile 2007
Experimental Investigation of Er,Cr:YSGG – Influence of Water Spray and Power Settings.
14° ALD Conference
Nashville (Tennessee, USA), 29-31 marzo 2007
Pulp capping with YSGG laser
WCLI Super Symposium
Huntington Beach (California, USA), 15-18 marzo 2007
Laser en pédodontie
European Master Degree in Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA) Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Nizza (Francia), 2-3 marzo 2007
ALD Introductory course
Catania, 27 gennaio 2007
Laser e Microscopio: alte tecnologie in odontoiatria
III Congresso IAHT Premio Giorgio Duillo
Genova, 11 novembre 2006
Incappucciamento pulpare laser assistito
XVIII Congresso Internazionale Odontostomatologico
Montecarlo (Monaco), 10-11 novembre 2006
Six years laser conservative dentistry. Adhesive, Microinvasive, Aesthetic Dentistry: an in vitro and in vivo evaluation of dentin conditioning and enamel margin finishing.
WCLI European Symposium.
Vienna (Austria), 27-29 ottobre 2006
Waterlase: Odontoiatria Laser
Soverato (Cz), 21 ottobre 2006
Erbium Laser Cr:YSGG in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Corso di Alta Formazione “Il Laser in Odontoiatria”
Roma, 14 ottobre 2006
Laser and Microscope: a successful cocktail
European Society for Oral Laser Association – 1° Mediterranean Laser Congress
Rodi (Grecia), 21-23 settembre 2006
Laser and Adhesion in Microinvasive Dentistry: the influence of the enamel margin finishing.
European Society for Oral Laser Association – 1° Mediterranean Laser Congress
Rodi (Grecia), 21-23 settembre 2006
Odontoiatria Laser
IX Corso di Aggiornamento Professionale in Odontoiatria
Catania, 23-24 giugno 2006
Laser and Adhesion in Restorative Dentistry part 1: acid etching of laser irradiated enamel and dentin
10° ISLD Anniversary Meeting
Berlino (Germania), 18-20 maggio 2006
Laser and Adhesion in Restorative Dentistry part 2: the influence of the enamel margin finishing.
10° ISLD Anniversary Meeting
Berlino (Germania), 18-20 maggio 2006
Erbium Laser, Erbium,Cr in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Firenze – Corso di Perfezionamento “L’uso del Laser nel trattamento dei tessuti duri e molli orali e periorali”.
Firenze, 5 maggio 2006
Laser and Adhesion in Restorative Dentistry: Acid Etching of Er,Cr:YSGG Laser-Irradiated Enamel and Dentin
13° ALD Conference
Tucson (Arizona, USA),15-18 maggio 2006
Waterlase il Laser in Odontoiatria
Roma, 8 marzo 2006
Uso del laser Er,Cr:YSGG nell’incappucciamento pulpare di denti posteriori cariati
26° Congresso Società Italiana di Endodonzia
Roma, 24-26 novembre 2005
Lo Stato dell’arte in Odontoiatria Conservativa: dalla ricerca alla clinica
II Congresso IAHT Premio Giorgio Duillo
Genova,19 novembre 2005
Estetica e Laser in Odontoiatria
XVII Congresso Internazionale Odontostomatologico
Montecarlo (Monaco), 12 novembre 2005
Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in Restorative Dentistry
WCLI European Symposium
Istanbul (Turchia),11 novembre 2005
Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in Restorative Dentistry
WCLI 2nd Italian Symposium
Milano,15 ottobre 2005
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Corso di Alta Formazione “Il Laser in Odontoiatria”
Roma, 7 ottobre 2005
Advantages of an Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in Direct Pulp capping
International conference on Laser in Dentistry – 1st edition
Timisoara (Romania), 29 settembre 2005
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria
Roma, 27 settembre 2005
Evidenze Microscopiche dell’uso del laser Erbium laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Istituto Stomatologico Italiano – IAHT
Milano, 27 maggio 2005
Advantages of an Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in Direct Pulp capping
Esola Laser Congress 2005
Barcelona (Spagna), 19-21 maggio 2005
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Catania,13 maggio 2005
Erbium e Erbium,Cr Lasers in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Firenze – Corso di Perfezionamento “L’uso del Laser nel trattamento dei tessuti duri e molli orali e periorali”
Firenze, 6 maggio 2005
Il Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Workshop
Roma, 26 aprile 2005
Advantages of an Er,Cr:YSGG Laser in Direct Pulp capping
12° ALD Conference
New Orleans (Louisiana, USA), 7 aprile 2005
Vantaggi dell’uso del laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
12° Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria
Roma,18 marzo 2005
Erbium Laser ed Erbium,Cr:YSGG in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Genova – Corso di Aggiornamento “L’Utilizzo della Luce Laser nel Distretto Cranio Facciale”.
Genova, 4-5 marzo 2005
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Corso di Alta Formazione “Il Laser in Odontoiatria”
Roma, 28 febbraio 2005
Laser in Odontoiatria: Erbium Chromium YSGG
Palermo, 10,11 dicembre 2004
Laser in Odontoiatria: Erbium Chromium YSGG
Roma, 1 dicembre 2004
Erbium,Cr:YSGG laser effects on enamel and dentin a clinical and in vitro study
WCLI 1st Italian Symposium.
Roma, 27 novembre 2004
Incappucciamento pulpare laser assistito
I Congresso IAHT Premio Giorgio Duillo
Genova, 20 novembre 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
1° Laser Day
Bari, 30 ottobre 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Napoli, 29 ottobre 2004
Erbium,Cr – YSGG laser effect on enamel and dentin a clinical and in vitro study.
WCLI European Symposium.
Monaco di Baviera (Germania) 22-24 ottobre 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Odontoiatria Laser Assistita
Ostia (Rm) 9 ottobre 2004
Erbium, Cr:YSGG morphological effects after laser irradiation in enamel and dentin of permanent molars: an in vitro study: S.E.M. investigation
ESOLA International Laser Conference.
Abu Dhabi (Emirati Arabi) October 7-8 ottobre 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Dental Go Meeting
Napoli, 5-6 ottobre 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri di Catania
Catania, settembre 2004
Erbium,Cr Laser: enamel and dentin morphological effects, a clinical and in vitro study, S.E.M. investigation
XIV International Dental Meeting
Beirut (Libano), 16-18 settembre 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Firenze – Corso di Perfezionamento “L’uso del Laser nel trattamento dei tessuti duri e molli orali e periorali”
Firenze, 26 giugno 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Workshop
Roma, 21 maggio 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” – Workshop
Roma, 18 febbraio 2004
Erbium Cr:YSGG Laser in Odontoiatria Conservativa
Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Corso di Alta Formazione “Il Laser in Odontoiatria”
Roma, 6 febbraio 2004
Laser in Odontoiatria: una diversa scelta terapeutica
Roma, 31 maggio 2003
Laser in Odontoiatria: una diversa scelta terapeutica
Roma, 21 gennaio 2003
Trattamento dello smalto con laser Erbium:YAG: analisi al SEM.
Università degli Studi di Firenze. Tesi del Corso di perfezionamento in “Utilizzo del Laser in Odontoiatria”
Firenze, 5 ottobre 2002

Laser Pediatric Dentistry
a user’s guide
This comprehensive text, the first to focus on laser applications in pediatric dentistry, reviews the fundamental principles of laser energy and demonstrates the essential therapeutic steps of laser radiation in conservative pediatric dentistry. Detailed explanations of the unique interactions of laser radiation with dental tissues—with a focus on the differences specific to primary and young permanent teeth—help clinicians take advantage of the many inherent benefits of laser energy, such as selective removal of carious tissue, preservation of healthy mineral structure, disinfection of prepared surfaces, excellent hemostasis, and improved patient comfort and compliance. The predictable clinical protocols for hard and soft tissue applications are detailed step by step with explanations on technique and suggested laser parameters, and the outcomes are illustrated in multiple case studies. In addition, the text is rounded out with presentations on innovative therapies involved in laser caries detection, laser irradiation for caries prevention, enamel and dentin laser conditioning, laser radiation for root canal debriding and cleansing, and low-level laser therapy as well as an appendix on laser safety and a glossary of laser terms. This practical guide will inspire pediatric dentists who are new to the laser as well as those experienced in providing laser therapy to adults.

I Laser in Traumatologia Dentale
Dental traumatology and laser dentistry are two challenging disciplines in Paediatric Dentistry. Dealing with dental trauma in children will always be difficult because it will never become a routine procedure in daily practice. Dental trauma will always happen unexpectedly, demanding immediate and adequate treatment and a thorough follow-up. Of necessity the latter will mostly deal with healing processes and cosmetic repair. Laser assisted paediatric dentistry is an upcoming discipline though its use in oral soft tissue surgery has been known of, and used, far many years. Furthermore there is evidence that appropriate laser treatment for small cavities and endodontics gives good results in clinical practice. Several experts in paediatric dentistry have stated that for all laser wavelengths there is an application for children. Moreover, children are the future generations who probably will experience dentistry without drilling and with less use of needles. In this book a fantastic combination of the uses of lasers in dental traumatology is described and very well documented. In all aspects of traumatology the availability of laser tools is interesting; from the simple repair of a permanent incisor having a defect as a result of trauma in the deciduous dentition through to vitality check follow-ups and biostimulation of the surrounding intra-oral and extra-oral tissues; from root canal treatment through to bleaching the crown as a result of the discolouration brought about by the trauma. Reading this manuscript, it becomes obvious that all available laser wavelengths find their possible application in the treatment following dental trauma. It is a great honour and pleasure to have written the preface of this new book of my dear colleagues Claudia Caprioglio, Giovanni Olivi and Maria Daniela Genovese. This book is an excellent contribution to gaining not only clinical expertise in the treatment of dental traumatology but also gives an insight into the use of lasers in children. This book should stimulate and motivate researchers in the field of Paediatric Dentistry to set-up more clinical follow-ups using the described techniques. In this way more and more evidence will be available to support the use of lasers in children and especially in dental traumatology.
Prof. Luc C. Martens, DDS, MSC, PHD. Professor and Chairman Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Special Care Dentistry Dental School – Gent – Belgium
Vice President EAPD (European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry).

Laser in Endodonzia Ricerca e Applicazioni Cliniche

Lasers in Restorative Dentistry
Includes a wealth of high-quality images
Presents step-by-step protocols for all wavelengths to help the reader in clinical work
This book presents the state of the art in the use of laser in restorative dentistry. After discussion of relevant background, basic physics and laser types, the full range of clinical applications is covered with the aid of more than 600 clinical photographs, charts, and tables. In addition to conventional indications, newer operative procedures that reliably yield favorable outcomes are carefully described step by step. The authors’ own research findings and clinical cases are included in the book, which also provides a complete, up-to-date review of the international literature on laser adhesive dentistry.
Lasers in Restorative Dentistry will be a valuable guide for general dentists who use the laser in their daily practice and are seeking advice on how to improve the quality of their work. If you are a new, experienced, or even advanced laser user, this book will be an exceptionally useful resource. Enjoy delving into the wonderful world of laser dentistry!

Laser in endodontistics Scientific Background and Clinical Application
Introduction by Cliff Ruddle
There has been a volcanic eruption of endodontic technology over the past 30 years. This renaissance began in the early 1980s with the introduction of the dental operating microscope, continued with the development of NiTi shaping files, and was followed by the debut of a remarkable biocompatible material, MTA. More recently, the transformation has continued with the advent of CBCT for improved diagnostics, minimally invasive technologies that promote the maximum preservation of tooth structure, and breakthrough methods for 3D disinfecting root canal systems, a term first coined by Professor Herbert Schilder. In conjunction with better-trained general den- tists and specialists alike, these unprecedented advancements have sparked an endodontic awakening that predictably successful endodontics is not only possible, but, with desire, is readily attainable, and the naturally retained root is the ultimate dental implant.
To this end, it is a pleasure and honor for me to write the Foreword for this textbook, Laser Applications in Endodontics. The authors, Drs. Giovanni Olivi, Enrico DiVito, and Roeland De Moor, as well as their impressive con- tributors, are recognized experts in this subject matter. This book begins by emphasizing endodontic morphology and anatomy, shaping the root canal, and the role of irrigation in 3D disinfection. The authors go on to clearly describe the basic science and physics of lasers and, specifically, identify the different lasers used in endodontics. Various clinical applications of lasers in endodontics are completely discussed, as well as leading-edge advancements in laser-activated irrigation. The book’s organization and thoroughness, as well as the sheer volume of knowledge contained within, makes this effort unmatched. Each chapter brilliantly balances intelligent scholarly text with outstanding visual content.
In every instance, the contributors worked diligently in spite of many other heavy professional responsibilities. All are teachers and authors of consider- able note, and many also devote substantial time to clinical practice. They have contributed with enthusiasm, and their efforts will undoubtedly be appreciated by any dentist who is committed to exquisitely cleaning root canal systems. I recommend this book to all dentists who aspire to move ever closer toward their full potential. Laser applications in endodontics will have a profound impact in the coming years; specifically, laser-activated irrigation is creating a genuine opportunity for the field of regenerative endodontics to accelerate forward. What once seemed the basis of science fiction is now clinical reality; the future is now! “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!” – Scottish Himalayan Expedition.
Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS