Aesthetic medicine

Take good care of yourself: this is our philosophy of Aesthetic medicine

Aesthetic medicine


The more you feel confident about the way you look, the happier you will feel. Nowadays it is possible to soften the signs of aging and correct undesired changes to the face and body without changing your natural look. Dr. Olivi, who holds a postgraduate degree in Aesthetic Medicine, uses non-invasive and personalized procedures that guaranteee a result that conforms with only the highest standards of safety.

InLaser offers a combination of aesthetic medicine and aesthetic dentistry and treatment that is finely tuned to your specific needs in order to achieve the perfect result. Facial beauty is a harmony of different features: the mouth, teeth and lips, nose and eyes, and brightness and clearness of skin work together to bring out the best in each other.

Medicina estetica Inlaser
Aesthetic medicine


Who it is for

For men and women of all ages who want to “live” their own natural beauty with every moment.

How it works

Age, stress, bad diet, smoking, and environmental factors (overexposure to sun, wind, and cold) are the main factors that cause harm to the skin. Dehydration, reduction/shrinking of the elastic fibres and basic substances present in the skin (mainly comprising water and hyaluronic acid), disorganization of the collagen fibres and lymphatic statis, all contribute towards the formation and deepening of wrinkles and folds in the skin.
In order to prevent/slow down skin aging InLaser suggests the following minor treatments, all of which are safe and reliable:

  • Skin check-up and prevention
  • Cosmetic programmes to normalize/rejuvenate the skin
  • Professional exfoliation to improve the texture and brightness of the skin
  • Anti-aging medicine: skin Bio-revitalization using solutions of hyaluronic acid, amino acids and vitamins
  • Anti-aging medicine: skin Bio-stimulation and radiofrequency treatment of cutaneous laxness
  • Anti-aging medicine: Correction of wrinkles and lines using gel (filler) composed of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin (botox)
Main benefits
  • Firmer, brighter skin
  • Relaxed facial appearance
  • Softening of the signs of aging
Inlaser- Medicina Estetica ING-01
Inlaser- Medicina Estetica ING-02

Aesthetic medicine

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Dental Practice

Dr. Olivi G. e Dr. Genovese M.D.


ROMA - Piazza Francesco Cucchi, 3

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