
Ritrova il tuo sorriso con gli impianti



Partial or full mouth restoration with the use of the best implant techniques without “touching” the healthy teeth nearby. Implants are the new standard in dental surgery for replacing missing teeth.

The loss of one or more teeth puts a strain on the functionality and balance of the masticatory system. It prevents the patient from following a full and balanced diet and causes bone loss due to atrophy (from lack of use), with the result that the aesthetic appearance of the face and smile is changed. Implants give you back that smile and guarantee functionality by maintaining the natural bone structure.




Who it’s for

For anyone who wants to have back a proper chewing action and aesthetic appearance in the event of having:

  • teeth missing since birth (dental agenesis)
  • teeth removed due to infection, excessive tooth decay or fractures
Main benefits
  • Replace missing teeth , thus restoring the correct masticatory functionality
  • Avoid having to operate on adjacent teeth
  • Block bone loss, keeping your appearance youthful
  • Restore your natural smile
Main applications

Implant solutions for a single missing tooth
Single missing teeth can be replaced through the insertion of a single titanium implant, without chipping or damaging the healthy teeth nearby.
Once the implant is in place, the supporting abutment is screwed into the implant 4-6 months later, which will eventually support the permanent crown.

Alternative solution in the case of single or multiple missing teeth: fixed dentures with a traditional bridge
As an alternative, the teeth that neighbour the missing tooth or teeth can be used to support a permanent crown:

– if there is bone loss near the missing tooth

– if there is a significant risk of caries and other damage to the supporting teeth (necrosis, bone reabsorption)

Implant solutions for the case of multiple or complete tooth loss
If many teeth are missing, it is possible to use several implants to support bridges fixed at the intervals set by the natural teeth. If all teeth are missing from the superior or inferior dental arch, it is possible to use 4 or 6 implants to support a completely removable denture.

Alternative solution in the case of multiple or complete tooth loss: removable denture plate with metal framework or dentures
As an alternative, missing teeth can be replaced by other traditional removable prostheses, either partial (denture plate) or total (dentures, false teeth) that rest on the gum. Bone loss from the edentulous region over time destabilizes the dentures and weakens their adhesive properties, thus making it necessary to fix or set them again quite frequently.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Is the dental implantation procedure painful?
No. Normally implants are inserted while under a local anesthetic. The surgery is carried out in our studio.

How soon can I go back to work after the operation?
A couple of days rest along with anti-inflammatory medication reduces the chance that troublesome complications can set in (namely, excessive swelling or detachment of sutures). Usually the patient is prescribed a course of preventative antibiotics and pain relief medication to ease any small distress that may occur within the first few days following the surgery.

How long does the implantation surgery take?
An operation to insert one to three implants can last from 40 to 60 minutes. Insertion of several implants will require a slightly longer time.

What happens if there isn’t enough bone to support the implant?
Missing bone does not completely rule out the possibility to have the operation. A precise and well-designed treatment plan will encompass several different bone restoration or graft operations, depending on the case.

When will I have the new teeth?
The total treatment time depends on the age and the quality or quantity of bone present. Four to six months after the implants are inserted, temporary teeth made from synthetic resin are first used; about two to three months later the permanent teeth (which are usually made from ceramic) are inserted. If the bone has to be reconstructed, the treatment time can take up to 8-9 months. An estimate of the total time needed will be proposed according to the treatment chosen for your particular case.

In what way should I look after the implants?
Looking after the implants means more than just using a toothbrush or dental floss or superfloss every day. For long term care, it is necessary to make regular visits to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned properly (every six or twelve months).

How long can an implant last?
If treated properly, implants can last many years, just like natural teeth.


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