Matteo Olivi
Medico Dentista
Master in Odontoiatria Laser, Specialista CAD-CAM
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Su di me
Passione per questa professione
Laureato in Odontoiatria all’Università “Victor Babes” di Timisoara, consegue con Lode il Master EMDOLA all’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” in Odontoiatria Laser (2018) ed il Master all’Università di Zurigo sull’utilizzo della tecnologia CAD-CAM (2015).Dal 2014 esercita la libera professione curando particolarmente l’introduzione e l’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie.
Si interessa di Odontoiatria Laser, Paradontologia, Protesi ed Estetica. Relatore a congressi nazionali ed internazionali, è Trainer per l’utilizzo della tecnologia CAD-CAM applicata al sistema INVISALIGN e per l’utilizzo dei laser a diodi 445-660-970nm ed autore di diverse pubblicazioni scientifiche.
È autore del libro “Laser in Restorative Dentistry: a practical guide” (2015) ed autore di alcuni capitoli del testo in lingua inglese “Laser in Endodontics: Scientific background and clinical applications” (2016).
Percorso professionale
Formazione e titoli
Laureato in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria nel 2013
Master EMDOLA conseguito con Lode all’Università di Roma “La Sapienza” in Odontoiatria Laser (2018)
Corsi di II e I livello per teconologia CAD-CAM
Master course in Odontoiatria digitale CAD-CAM
Universita di Zurigo (Svizzera)
Corso ANDI teorico-pratico di Parodontologia
WCLI Fellowship certification per l’uso del laser a diodi 940nm
Corso e certificazione all’uso del laser a diodi 810nm
Corso e certificazione all’uso del laser a diodi 970nm
Corso e certificazione all’uso del laser Er:YAG e Er,Cr:YSGG
Clinical tester and trainer per il laser a diodi 445nm
Trainer per corsi Laser a Diodi e CAD-CAM
La conoscenza a favore della collettività
Articoli pubblicati
Guarda la lista completa
Olivi G., Olivi M., Genovese M.D. I frenuli labiali: diagnosi e tecniche chirurgiche nel bambino, nell’adolescente e nell’adulto. Il dentista moderno. Luglio 2018; 38-49.
Olivi M, Genovese MD, Olivi G. Laser labial frenectomy: a simplified and predictable technique. Retrospective clinical study. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2018 Mar;19(1):56-60.
Olivi G, Caprioglio C, Olivi M, Genovese MD. Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 4: Soft tissue laser applications. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2017 Dec;18(4):32-335.
Olivi G, Caprioglio C, Olivi M, Genovese MD.Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 2: Hard tissue laser applications. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2017 Jun;18(2):163-166. doi: 10.23804/ejpd.2017.18.02.14.
Olivi G.,Olivi M,Genovese M.D. Les Lasers Erbium en odontologie pédiatrique. DT StudyClub Dental Tribune 2014; 40-43
Olivi G.,Olivi M.,Genovese M.D. Erbium Laser in Paediatric Dentistry. Laser-International Magazine of Laser Dentistry 2014 vol.6; 30-33.
Olivi G, Olivi M, Genovese MD. Erbium lasers in pediatric dentistry. Laser. Vol. 6; Issue 1/2014
Olivi M., Stefanucci M. and Todea C. Laser assisted irrigation and hand irrigation for root canal decontamination: a comparison. Proc. SPIE 8925, Fifth International Conference on Lasers in Medicine: Biotechnologies Integrated in Daily Medicine, 89250G (January 14, 2014).
Olivi G and Olivi M. Laser in Periodontal therapy: the TwinLight approach. Laser 2013(3);30-32.
Olivi G., Olivi M., Kaitsas V., Benedicenti S.
Utilizzo del laser a diodi 810nm in endodonzia: indagine morfologica al SEM. Dentista Moderno. Ottobre 2013; 122-128.
Olivi G., Olivi M., Sorrenti E., Genovese M.D.
Laser a Diodi 810nm: applicazioni cliniche in odontoiatria. Laser Tribune Settembre 2012- anno VIII N.9 pag 16-18.
Olivi G, Signore A, Olivi M, Genovese M.D. “Lingual Frenectomy: functional evaluation and new therapeutical approach” Eur J Paed Dent vol. 13/2-2012.
La conoscenza a favore della collettività
Guarda la lista completa
How does a laser work? Clinical applications of the laser dentistry
27th International Dental Trade Fair KRAKDENT
Krakow (Poland) 12 Aprile 2019
L’utilizzo del laser a diodi in odontoiatria: 445nm, 660nm e 980nm
Ancona (Italy) 24 novembre 2018
La decontaminazione del canale radicolare mediante laser: dalla ricerca alla clinica
IX Congresso Nazionale S.I.L.O.
Trieste (Italy) 5 ottobre 2018
L’utilizzo del laser a diodi in odontoiatria: 445nm, 660nm e 980nm
Roma (Italy) 29 settembre 2018
Microscopia operatoria e laser
Corso di formazione ini Microscopia Operatoria in Odontoiatria
Università Cattolica Roma (Italy) 21-22 settembre 2018
L’utilizzo del laser a diodi in odontoiatria: 445nm, 660nm e 980nm
Ancona (Italy) 9 giugno 2018
Risoluzione di un caso di perdita di incisivi centrali inferiori. Microscopio operatorio,
CBCT, laser: nuove tecnologie per diagnosi e operatività in odontoiatria
Roma (Italy) 13 dicembre 2017
Surgical effectiveness of diode 445nm laser
6th Congress of the WFLD – ED
Thessaloniki(Greece) 21-23 Settembre 2017
Blulaser 445nm, a new wavelenght in dentistry
2nd Sirona Laser days
Brescia (Italy) ottobre 2015
One-visit Veneers: realizzazione di faccette sul gruppo frontale con tecnologia CAD-CAM:
studio del caso, preparazione, rilevazione dell’impronta ottica, progettazione, fresatura
e caratterizzazione dei manufatti, cementazione
1st Middle East Mediterranean Dental Congress
Roma (Italy)18-20 giugno 2015
Diode lasers in the daily practice
1st Sirona Laser days
Bensheim (Germany) ottobre 2014
Laser assisted irrigation and hand irrigation for root canal decontamination: a comparison
International Congress on Lasers in Dentistry
Timisoara (Romania) 09-2013
![laser in restorative dentistry](
Lasers in Restorative Dentistry
Covers the full range of clinical laser applications in restorative dentistry
Includes a wealth of high-quality images
Presents step-by-step protocols for all wavelengths to help the reader in clinical work
This book presents the state of the art in the use of laser in restorative dentistry. After discussion of relevant background, basic physics and laser types, the full range of clinical applications is covered with the aid of more than 600 clinical photographs, charts, and tables. In addition to conventional indications, newer operative procedures that reliably yield favorable outcomes are carefully described step by step. The authors’ own research findings and clinical cases are included in the book, which also provides a complete, up-to-date review of the international literature on laser adhesive dentistry.
Lasers in Restorative Dentistry will be a valuable guide for general dentists who use the laser in their daily practice and are seeking advice on how to improve the quality of their work. If you are a new, experienced, or even advanced laser user, this book will be an exceptionally useful resource. Enjoy delving into the wonderful world of laser dentistry!
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![laser in endodontics](
Laser in endodontistics Scientific Background and Clinical Application
Introduction by Cliff Ruddle
There has been a volcanic eruption of endodontic technology over the past 30 years. This renaissance began in the early 1980s with the introduction of the dental operating microscope, continued with the development of NiTi shaping files, and was followed by the debut of a remarkable biocompatible material, MTA. More recently, the transformation has continued with the advent of CBCT for improved diagnostics, minimally invasive technologies that promote the maximum preservation of tooth structure, and breakthrough methods for 3D disinfecting root canal systems, a term first coined by Professor Herbert Schilder. In conjunction with better-trained general den- tists and specialists alike, these unprecedented advancements have sparked an endodontic awakening that predictably successful endodontics is not only possible, but, with desire, is readily attainable, and the naturally retained root is the ultimate dental implant.
To this end, it is a pleasure and honor for me to write the Foreword for this textbook, Laser Applications in Endodontics. The authors, Drs. Giovanni Olivi, Enrico DiVito, and Roeland De Moor, as well as their impressive con- tributors, are recognized experts in this subject matter. This book begins by emphasizing endodontic morphology and anatomy, shaping the root canal, and the role of irrigation in 3D disinfection. The authors go on to clearly describe the basic science and physics of lasers and, specifically, identify the different lasers used in endodontics. Various clinical applications of lasers in endodontics are completely discussed, as well as leading-edge advancements in laser-activated irrigation. The book’s organization and thoroughness, as well as the sheer volume of knowledge contained within, makes this effort unmatched. Each chapter brilliantly balances intelligent scholarly text with outstanding visual content.
In every instance, the contributors worked diligently in spite of many other heavy professional responsibilities. All are teachers and authors of consider- able note, and many also devote substantial time to clinical practice. They have contributed with enthusiasm, and their efforts will undoubtedly be appreciated by any dentist who is committed to exquisitely cleaning root canal systems. I recommend this book to all dentists who aspire to move ever closer toward their full potential. Laser applications in endodontics will have a profound impact in the coming years; specifically, laser-activated irrigation is creating a genuine opportunity for the field of regenerative endodontics to accelerate forward. What once seemed the basis of science fiction is now clinical reality; the future is now! “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!” – Scottish Himalayan Expedition.
Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS
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