Corso Odontoiatria Pediatrica Laser
Corso Laser Erbium
Corso di formazione Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Roma 2018
Corso Laser Erbium Yag
Basic Competence Academy of Laser Dentistry
Advanced Diode Laser Course Università Cattolica
Corso Endodonzia Laser
Corsi 2019
Programmazione completa (posti esauriti)
Corsi 2020
Corsi in programmazione
Cosa dicono di noi
“Sono rimasto molto colpito dall’esperienza del Dr. Olivi, la sua eccellente pratica clinica e la qualità della sua ricerca scientifica … l’interazione con gli altri studenti e la cena insieme in una grande Osteria romana è stata un’esperienza memorabile in sé.”
“Volevo ringraziarti per l’illuminante giornata trascorsa a Parma sabato scorso. .. pur di partecipare al tuo corso PIPS, sto accarezzando l’idea di acquistare il secondo erbio”
“Grazie Giovanni. Il contatto con te è stato a dir poco esaltante! Il corso bellissimo, Ti ringrazio di tutto.”
“2 anni dopo
Caro prof.Olivi Volevo ringraziarti per l’illuminante giornata trascorsa a Parma sabato scorso. Nonostante l’esperienza di due anni da laserista entusiasta, mi sento una nullita’ ascoltando le tue esposizioni ,da cui traggo sempre aspetti non consciuti del nostro piccolo mondo. Come promesso ieri sera ho terminato la tua ultima creatura (con gradita dedica) che ho trovato ben fatta, sia per il neofita, che per l’utilizzatore e che rispecchia la chiarezza e la comprensione con cui esponi. Cordialmente”
“Good day Giovanni Once again you and your colleagues put on wonderful presentations. Really good and inspiring. I hope to receive more in the near future”
“Thank you for making the lectures so interesting and joyful. We really appreciate all the efforts put in… Looking forward to apply the pips technique.”
“It is always an honor for us to attend your lectures and to learn about your great job! You are such a good practician and a scientific doctor, entirely devoted and passionate about your work. Progress and change need persons like you.”
“Your 2014 february lecture in Genoa was amazing and got new informations about lasers. Thank you.”
“The days spent in Rome really improoved my everyday practice… I can’t hide my excitement each time I see the result! You really helped me and my colleagues to understand what we do, rather then just perform some protocol without idea or insight of it’s effect. I can’t thank you enough!”
“I really enjoyedthe hands-on course in Dr. Giovanni Olivis dental practice in Rome. Dr. Olivi is a superb dental practitioner who is also dedicated to scientific investigations in the field of laser dentistry. Giovanni Olivi is a great teacher in laser dentistry and we all appreciated his warm hospitality and personal care.”
“I would like to thank You for the course…
You answered all of my questions … I was able to understand how better is PIPS technique, and what are the differences from the other laser root treatment methods. In total, it absolutely worth to partecipate!”
“As I just came back to work and immediately started to implement in my endodontic practice the PIPS concept that you just taught us, I wanted to thank you for the time spent with you in Rome. My brother and I have been very pleased with the way you gave your course. It was a pleasure to be in your high-tech practice, an amazing teaching environment mixed with a patient-friendly atmosphere. From science to clinic and from clinic to science, both ways perfectly characterized with what you showed and demonstrated us over the weekend.
Your demo patient’s choice was, by far, not an easy one but you very nicely handled the treatment and thus, showed that even in difficult cases, one can get excellent results with the appropriate methodology… I enjoyed your patience and how my brother and I could understand and practice the technique step by step.
Beside being an excellent clinician and a wonderful teacher, you are a joyful gentleman and the love for your city can only be shared”
Info e Prenotazioni
Studio Medico Dentistico
Dr. Olivi G. e Dr. Genovese M.D.
ROMA - Piazza Francesco Cucchi, 3